AK-AL: Berkowitz Will Run Against Don Young

Huge news out of Alaska: former Democratic State House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz has announced that he will run against the muck-encrusted GOP Rep. Don Young.  Berkowitz, considered a rising star within the state party, served five terms in the state House from 1996-2006 and ran for Lt. Governor on the ticket led by Tony Knowles last year.  You can check out his campaign website here.

Berkowitz has been heavily courted by the DCCC to run for the seat, but his name has also been mentioned as a potential opponent to Internet guru and Senator Ted Stevens if Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich passed on that race.  This is a pretty big development, as Begich and Berkowitz have been in contact with each other during the past few months to co-ordinate their potential campaigns and each settle on a target (Stevens or Young).  With Berkowitz formally in the ring against Young, we can safely assume that it’s a Senate bid or nothing for Begich.

Berkowitz faces former Alaska Democratic Party Chairman Jake Metcalfe and 2006 nominee Diane Benson in the Democratic primary.

UPDATE: It looks like Young will have a primary opponent–state Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, a former Democrat.

Race Tracker: AK-AL

4 thoughts on “AK-AL: Berkowitz Will Run Against Don Young”

  1. Have you heard anything new on Alaska’s senate race? I know that the DSCC has been heavily courting Mark Begich, but I haven’t heard whether or not he’s really considering it.

  2. as to where Berkowitz stands on the political spectrum?  Both his opponents are, or at least seem to be, progressives.  How does Berkowitz stack up?

  3. “Berkowitz, of Anchorage, wasn’t slinging mud as he entered the race Wednesday. He said there’s a need to restore integrity to government but had no critical words for Young personally.

    “I am not really running against Don Young,” Berkowitz said. “I am running for the United States House of Representatives.””

    Yeah.. that’s some fighting spirit

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